Flood Relief Donations
Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Donations – Vineyard Florence
Eastern Kentucky has recently experienced devastating flooding, leaving many families and communities in urgent need. As part of our ongoing partnership with Red Bird Mission, Vineyard Florence is responding to this crisis by collecting essential donations to bring on our upcoming trip, scheduled for March 6–9.
We invite you to partner with us in providing much-needed supplies, including:
• Medical supplies (such as first aid kits and related items)
• Non-perishable food (boxed and canned goods)
• Gently used clothing (all sizes)
Our heart is to come alongside those who have experienced loss and destruction, meeting some of their immediate needs in this difficult time.
How to Donate:
• Drop off items at our church office during office hours (Monday–Thursday, 9 AM – 1 PM)
• Use the large brown drop box by the office door (right side of the building) if dropping off after hours
• Bring donations to our Sunday gathering at 10:30 AM
Deadline for Donations: Wednesday, March 5, by noon – so our team has time to pack before departure.
Join the Trip:If you feel called to do more, consider joining our team as we serve directly in Eastern Kentucky from March 6–9. Skilled volunteers in construction, woodworking, plumbing, electrical work, and roofing are especially needed, but anyone with a desire to help is welcome to serve! If you would like to join or want more information, please reach out to Kevin Saalfeld by phone at 859-393-7060, email at kevin.saalfeld@dhl.com
To donate, sign up for the trip, or ask questions, reach out at info@vineyardflorence.church. Let’s come together to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this time of need!