Turkey Dinner Giveaway
We are so excited about our annual Turkey Dinner Giveaway. The Turkey Dinner Giveaway is an outreach project where we invite our church and community to purchase everything needed to make a Thanksgiving dinner. We then prepare boxes immediately after our morning service with supplies for a Thanksgiving meal, pray over them, and distribute these meals at the church from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM. If you would like to participate, check out the details below.
We have closed our application due to the high response.
GIVE - If you are unable to go out to fill a bag or would rather support our Thanksgiving outreach financially you can give directly to our Turkey Dinner Giveaway fund. The cost to fill one bag is $25 so we encourage you to give in $25 dollar increments.
TEXT TO GIVE - You can text $25 and the word Turkey (ex. $25 Turkey) to the number #84321
GIVE ONLINE - Click HERE to go to our giving page, choose the “Turkey Dinner Giveaway” drop-down, and give $25 to fill one bag.
Fill a Bag - Grab a brown paper bag with a shopping list by the doors following our weekend service or follow the shopping list below and fill your own bag with these items. Please return your bag with the needed items by Sunday, November 12th.
Shopping List - 3-5lb Boneless Turkey Breast, 1 Can of Corn, 1 Can of Green Beans, 1 can of Cranberry Sauce, Bag of Biscuit Mix, Package of Gravy, Bag of Mashed Potatoes, Box of Stuffing
Meal distribution - We will be prepping these meals on Sunday, November 24th around 12:00 pm directly following our morning gathering. We will have lunch for those serving at 12:30 pm (register here for lunch) and we will distribute the boxes and pray for folks from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. This is a great time to come and be a part of something that allows you to serve and love people in our community.